Hope you're doing well Alex, glad you're keeping up the fight. It's unrelated to your current work, but if you have not already, I have to recommend reading Kevin's (Mckernan's) new sequencing experiments.

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It's stunning how those in the know inexplicably shoehorn matters cover their arses. I guess it's a political 'skill'. However, if that alone does not offer up options to elicit a range of conspiracies and is just er, umm, then a series of coincidences, I'm a bloody Alien. To me it reeks of a stupid ambitious 'accident' or at the very least a scam of mind-boggling incompetence, of wayward ambition and hubris, and of course of avarice, whereby, I do see it also as a big enough $$$ pile-in to get Billy-bob out of bed in the morning - even if he was a late-entry Machiavellian rouge to the 'party'. I guess all of such will do anything to deflect blame or connectivity, as it is that big of a sordid mess.

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Spot on. Many, many, thanks for your forensic deep-dive.

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deletedMar 31, 2023Liked by Alex Washburne
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