This lovely essay is so well written: it flowed. I suspect that people with a science background generally aren't so good at this!

You might like to compare my essay tackling the subject: click on my name and see "Coping with Disagreement, and Being Wrong".

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I suggest a holiday already is among us to honor and respect especially those with whom we disagree, to love them even.

Happily it is upon us tomorrow.

Wishing you and yours a most blessed Easter.

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This is fantastic.

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I honor no one that is intentionally trying to kill my fellow Americans. Honor them with a rope and a gallows.

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Interesting essay. Perceptive as well. A visit to Twitter quickly shows how polarized public discussion has become. I'm not sure if social media is more cause or more effect. But it's unfortunate that the social media tools that would allow for wide and wise discussion among people of all persuasions is instead turning in short bursts of snipe directed at one's enemies. The worst part is the arrogance of people in the correctness of their own opinions.

Still, that's nothing new. There was lots of bitterness from the very founding of our country between the so-called founding fathers. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson famously fell out when they ran against each other and John Adams lost. (Though they eventually reconciled through letters.) Martha Washington hated Thomas Jefferson with a passion because of his attacks on her husband and his refusal to attend her husband's funeral.

In spite of all that, we seem to get along fairly well as a country. Yet, as you note, we could do better, and we should.

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"So, today I wanted to take a break from arguing and share how unbelievably proud I am of our free world and its free markets".

take some time and listen to the story of this remarkable young lady and think again about it ....


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