On the topic of vaccines, of which the scientific method has been corrupted for many decades, what do you think about the idea that many vaccines actually got credit for the accomplishments of widespread sanitation? I've known that vaccine injuries have been highly politicized, but I didn't realize until I read through the process for getting vaccines approved, that there's never been a true placebo controlled study for most if not all of them. With regard to politics in science, Ancel Keys and his political slant was responsible for uncounted millions of illnesses and deaths, thanks to his false premises on heart disease, which gave birth to this juggernaut Big Food/Big Pharma industry and the resulting obesity and chronic illness epidemic. It was bad science writ large, and he was one of those powerful influences that kept better scientists from publishing their findings, lest they have their funding withdrawn.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Alex Washburne

Ah -- leave the academic and private scientific morass the way it is and just find your (scientific) way through the mud very carefully: in one way or the other it's always been this way.

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If I can share an editorial comment/suggestion, it would be this: Substack readers need to become a part of the “10 percent (paid)” … not the current 1 to 4 percent.

Just like our adversaries are tripling down on their lies and cover-ups, our side needs to triple down on our support of the people who scare them the most.

In my latest article, I expound on several key Substack metrics and present one easy “solution” that would help our side more effectively fight - and scare - our adversaries …

Please read and share if you happen to think like I do.


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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Alex Washburne

I support the changes you suggest; but would add that what you call “Meta-science” sounds like what we used to call “sociology of science” or “science and technology studies.” I’d also add that many millions of dollars are spend on research that is not particularly basic nor useful.. that different USG agencies fund exactly the same kind of research without coordination, and few USG programs actually involve real world potential research users (as claimed on proposals) in research priorities or proposal funding decisions.

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Science IS a failed state, because it is totalitarian when it needs to be libertarian. It needs less control, not more.

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This was truly a labor of love getting thru this article and well worth it. I am more forlorn than ever. All is truly hopeless and will never get better. The rubicon has been crossed. Not so long ago there was no medicine. We had little to no disease and natural cures. We now have Murder by Injection and massive disease. Who created that which never existed before? The massive amounts of money spent to line the pockets of snake oil salesmen who have never been interested in curing anything is so diabolical that I can barely wrap my head around it. These last 3 years along with this article has taught me everything I need to know about "science". It's a fraud.

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Main stream "science" has been hijacked by a yet-to-be-isolated variety of toxoplasmosis called money, + Marxist indoctrination on campuses. A very old, very successful strategy to conquer from within. We are at war, this is not a drill.

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Holy (literal) crap! I loved the "failed banana republic" line and blissfully began reading. The deterioration came quickly. First of all, or perhaps not, mRNA can never be an effective substitute for vaccines which, btw, have questionable value for preventing illness and a strong association with SIDS, autism, and a general decline in immune health. mRNA can only code for a single protein, never a full virus nucleocapsid, so it can't trigger defense against anything except a single protein. As we've seen with covid, the targeted protein mutates too fast for that misconceived half of the equation to work. Then there's the matter of a gazillion rogue proteins latching onto (transfecting) cells we don't want to target but which are now targets. Finally, there's the surge in IgG4, and the likelihood of more than a thousand adverse effects, including VITT, reduced interferon reactivity, etc.

Topping it all is crediting Kariko, a Jenny come lately, with the actual invention/discovery of the tech for injectable mRNA... I quit reading shortly thereafter.

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I have a problem with the noun "Science" dominating the discourse as if it somehow exists like the moon. A phrase like "Science is incredible" hides the core i.e. the superiority of (Popperian) scientific methodology in systematically discovering and accumulating *reliable knowledge*.

Proof by example is rampant in scientific discourse. Many professional scientists (and graduate students) do not appreciate the methodology part. Otherwise, we would not have the kind of mud slinging that experts inflict upon other experts.

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The word 'Science' covers such a vast array of knowledge fields, I think that in order to show the efficacy of a system such as you propose (i.e. to level the playing field for publication of new ideas) the implementation of such ideas should start with Human Health related sciences - and in that rubric allow for a much wider range of disciplines than are currently recognised (ie acknowledging that there is more than one way to skin a cat). Part of what has gone wrong with the public health world is that only one type of 'science' is allowed - the 'western model'- and only Double Blind Randomised Control trials are acceptable as 'evidence' of what they sell as having 'efficacy'. This straight away takes off the table every kind of treatment that isn't backing up the powerful pharma industry and its 'infomercials' in the 'best' medical journals (called Peer reviewed articles). The 'banana-republic-range-of-permissible-sickness-measures' that results from it is actively destroying human well-being and strength. Unless we can veer away from myopic 'health' messaging and getting diverse views to the public, the taxpayer will continue to believe blindly that the funding of 'science' is actually doing some good, when that is becoming increasingly questionable. Once true health becomes a feasible paradigm and people take back control of their (fully informed) choices, then they will automatically be more open to the myriad other advances in science that could be made by an alert and intelligent population of scientists that aren't being mentally and physiologically hog-tied by corporate interests.

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It's been captured by dark Money

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Science is, and ha always been, a process for finding truth.

Scientism is not a replacement for science.

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““the ability to govern” boils down to an ability to control the populace, tax people,”

Aha. There’s the source of your misunderstanding.

Governing, and controlling and taxing the subjects, are not at all the same. The purpose of government is to serve the people. Controlling and taxing is not serving, it’s hostage-taking.

Controlling and taxing is always tyranny at some level.

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You mean...by "upgrade"..."new and improved"?

If it's new, how could it be improved?

And if it's improved, it's not new.

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Hi Alex -

I just read your article in Brownstone and found your Substack from it.

This article is the absolute best response I have read in 4 years about the whole anti-science authoritarian attacks from the corrupted medical, scientific, and global public health industry, which by the way is all essentially funded by all the partners of the World Economic Forum's members, not just out of the public purse.

If you track the money, for example by following the shareholders of all our corporations you find the giant banks, investment funds and finance companies with BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street being the Big 3, the top tier of what I like to call the IBFIC - the International Banking, Finance, & Investment Cartel - they own controlling interests in EVERYTHING - Big Ag, Big Tech, Big Food, Big Chemicals, Big Media, Big Pharma, big EVERYTHING. They control the boardrooms of everything.

And through the corporations and the billionaires foundations they are funding all of the "Activists" "NGOs" "Think Thanks" -all of the policy making and pretend protests, and of course our every political party on earth.

A great new book called "The Great Taking" explains the power of this international financial control quite well. Link to free PDF.


As I was finishing your article and was in awe of your integrity, courage, and the rigorous intellectual work that has gone into writing your article, a thought occurred to me that we are in fact in work like yours witnessing the birth and dawn of a New Age of Enlightenment 2.0 - because one of the wonderful things to come out of the horrors of the last 4 years, and it is not over by a long shot, is the rise and rise of truly courageous amazing people like yourself who will stand up and fight these authoritarian pricks that are trying to force us back into feudalism, or neo-feudalism as many call it.

This is happening across the world in every sector of life - academia, business, big tech, journalism, medicine, public health, science, etc. There are leaders rising all over the world. Just like you.

So, thanks for being the man of science and courage that you are!

Ivan M. Paton

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I can see plenty of room for corruption in a privatized model. Just making it private will not solve that.

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