Bravo Alex, I think you are pinpointing maybe the most overarching issue of our era: the binary tribalism inherent in what I call "the great dumbing down."

It's a flat out tragic (as well as extremely dangerous) feature of this period in human evolution that the modern mind is being scoured of any and all traces of nuance. That every position, question, situation that humans face collectively must reflexively be reduced to some binary proposition and all humans required to "take a side". None of this has anything to do with reality which is nothing but infinite shades of all possible colors all the time. Somehow modern humans have normalized a process of dumbing everything down to a binary and then becoming a religious zealot on one side or the other.

As I've written elsewhere (https://iamascientist.substack.com/p/epistemrna), we scientists are collectively very much part of the problem. Though there are some notable exceptions here and there, scientists have collectively gotten caught up in this disease of the modern mind and most have abdicated the central pillar of our nominal practice: QUESTION EVERYTHING. If you are not curious, you are not a scientist. And most practicing "scientists" (sadly, particularly academics), instead of asking fundamental questions in good faith, are actually practicing a liturgy as either priests or bureaucrats of scientism - a religious scourge upon science.

We must all do better.

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I wish every binary, us vs. them nutcake in the country could be required to read your excellent essay.

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Nicely balanced article. I think one of the changes in the past 2-3 years is that many more people are open to listening to and accepting this argument.

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Thank you! It's nice to hear a well reasoned and non tribalistic view for a change.

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I love tbis of course, Al. I love you! Thank you for writing it.

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Well said, Alex.

In my new Substack, I've been writing about my PhD research on a possible role for thyroid hormone in speciation changes, including human evolution.

As part of this, two weeks ago I wrote about the problem of chemicals that disrupt thyroid function and what impact that individual variation in thyroid function may have on finding evidence for vaccine injuries. Few people realize just how many body functions that thyroid hormones control or influence, either directly or through regulation of critical genes.

As the issue is pertinent to RFK's goal of examining much of what we've taken for granted about vaccines and chemicals in our food, your readers may find this of interest.


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Spoken like a true scientist!

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Well done!

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So well said. Thanks. Real science is not at all what so many portray it as nowadays.

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