Alex, you're doing god's work. I hope you use all the bad faith naysayers as fuel that drives you deeper and farther into the field of truth.

As you found out, there are areas of science that have been neglected, perhaps because it has been useful for them to be neglected.

One of the darkest things I've learned during the pandemic is that the same people who shut down the lab leak hypothesis, were involved in shutting down the hypothesis that HIV emerged from the OPV trials in Africa. People involved with shutting that hypothesis down include Jon Cohen, Michael Worobey, Eddie Holmes, Robert Garry, Oliver Pybus.

This documentary on the origins of HIV is one of the most shocking things I've ever seen, and the exact same "evolutionary toolkit" was used to claim that it couldn't possibly have crossed over from the OPV vaccination campaign that covered over a million people in the same areas that HIV emerged.


Part of me hopes you watch this, part of me hopes you don't.

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I agree, Alex and his co-authors are laboring in the Vineyard of the Lord.

Thank you, Alexandros, I will watch that video later today. I just finished a book explaining the origins of Lyme as a bioweapon, so I am interested.

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Oh man! Has this stuff been going on way longer than I / we’ve realised? Ugh! HIV, Lyme (I’ve recently become aware of question marks over this).

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Alex,your letter took my breath away.👏🏻👏🏻If only we had more Scientists like you.You are in very good company on Substack as all the other genuine Scientists,MD.s etc.are also here.Many equally cancelled,libelled,and suffering ad hominem attacks.

I learn everything from Substackers, the UK is even more censored than US.Thank You for all you do, and for the courage you have shown in presenting your analysis to the world.

Thé UK press are trying to takedown Dr Aseem Malholtra, amongst others,Dr Tess Lawrie ,Dr Mike Yeadon etc were once lone voices,, the tide is turning…..

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That the Twitter trolls are mad at you is proof that you've done some actual science.

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A seeker of truth, your writing radiates intellectual honesty and is a clarion call to your scientific peers.

May you be guided and protected on your journey, Alex.

With hearfelt respect and appreciation,


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You are awesome. And you had me when you credited your brilliant mentor/mom. Hang in there, Alex, and thank you!

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Keep in mind the harshest critiques may stem from pseudo accounts getting paid to make those comments. We see batches of them pop up whenever someone is doing good work. That strategy was put into place a decade ago - government employees or bots posing as social media users in order to influence public opinion. An analysis of Twitter revealed a substantial percent of fake accounts for this purpose. Lately a pattern in these fake accounts has been either giving harsh criticism, or posing as stereotypically uneducated and inflammatory characters -- all of which seeks to downgrade the natural quality and credibility of discussion.

With this in mind, you are not obligated to engage with them. Simply ignore it, possibly block them, and move on.

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Alex, you are a true gentleman and scholar, the rarest of breeds.

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Thank you Alex. Your integrity is beyond reproach and you are an amazing and gifted scientist and statistician, and a wonderful human being. Thank you.

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Thank you very much for what you do. You are a breath of fresh air in these times of lunacy. You possess, in addition to your grasp of your multiple fields of inquiry, the wonderful gift of clear thinking and clear, explanatory prose. As a non-scientist who has loved (and read) science all my more than seven decades of life, I can understand what you write. It is the media and politicians who are afraid of truth-tellers, but we, the honorable people, vastly outnumber them, and our voices are beginning to be heard.

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will be lots of pressure, hang on ... be ready. you are doing the right thing and that is what matters. on negativity, dont pay attention, lots of them are paid trolls.

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This is brilliant. Thank you for all you’re doing

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Maybe the world would be a lot better place if more people abstained from Twitter.

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Thank you for this! I've been tweeting about the origin of covid since around May 2020, dismayed at the hyperbolic certainty of zoonosis pronounced by the Lancet letter of Feb. 2020, which was subsequently revealed to have been orchestrated by Peter Daszak.

On Oct. 16, 2022, my Twitter account was suspended. My account has only 780 followers (now zero, because suspended). Twitter has to date failed to inform me the reason for their decision. I continue to appeal. I regularly retweeted your tweets, as well as those from Richard Ebright, Alina Chan, and a few others. The loutish behavior of vocal "Zoonati" virologists such as Kristian Andersen and Angela Rasmussen, and their acolytes, is disheartening. They prefer to engage in GoFRoC PR campaigns instead of promoting actual science. They're a disgrace to their profession. I presume that one of them had me mass-reported, as my tweets were always inoffensive in tone and factual in content.

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Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a breath of fresh air. Further, I think that much like Mattias Desmet and Robert Malone (amongst others), that you are brave and obviously clever enough to carry this battle forward. I have read some of the comments from your detractors, and although on your side of this fight I felt ashamed that folk could write such guff. Stay strong.

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Thank you sir. How refreshing to “hear your voice”. Even if you cannot entirely live by what you profess in this letter, you’ve articulated an admirable pattern to aspire to.

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Alex, thank you for your integrity and courage.

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