Excellent. For a (only slightly) less technical argument, my favorite supporting the lab leak hypothesis is that the animal species to which SARS-CoV-2 was best adapted at the time of its discovery is the human species. This virus does not replicate in any of the animal species present at the wet market, nor in bats... The ability to infect a species correlated with the binding affinity of Spike for the ACE2 receptor of that species. And the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein had few mutations in the first few months of the virus propagation, in contrast to the situation with SARS-CoV in 2002-2003 when its Spike sequence evolved quickly to adapt to its new host, again indicating that SARS-CoV-2 was already well adapted to humans at the beginning of 2020.

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That would also be explained if covid was already circulating when it was first detected in Wuhan - which, as well as being one of the only places in the world capable of engineering new coronaviruses, is also one of the places most likely to detect them.

It follows that all the damage, all the excess deaths, were caused by the panicked response. A dodgy test, intubation of anyone positive, midazolam to put old people out of their misery, shutting down healthcare, terrifying psychologically vulnerable people etc etc.

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Thanks, that is what I was trying to explain in my post above - and I honestly think that it was a mild virus, having had it in my own family in December 2019 and not even needing any medical attention.

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I highly respect your work. I would like to know your thoughts on people who claim viruses do not exist (esp. Dr Mike Yeadon). Other eminent scientists seem, after some research, to also doubt the existence of viruses. A French statistician and the Physicist Denis Rancourt analyzing independently official data, show that excess deaths during covid could not have been attributable to a virus. Pierre Chaillot started to look for proofs that viruses exist. He contacted several eminent virologists and none of them could provide any solid evidence that viruses exist. All we have it seems are "in silico" models of viruses but never an isolated virus. Whatever our thoughts on the subject, the work of Rancourt and Chaillot (who i repeat worked independently from each other show conclusively that it was not a virus causing excess deaths during covid and that mRNA vaccinations and boosters are systematically associated with peaks of excess mortality.

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Dr Mike Yeadon earned his salary working with viruses at big pharma. I think he knows and either he is wanting to muddy the waters or has been coerced into muddying the waters.

Let me know when you have a spoon full of electrons you can isolate for me. Not a proxy but an actual spoonful (a picogramme would be enough) before you make use of any electrical think again. Don't bother to answer as you would be using electrons you have not isolated.

Collecting viruses would be easier if it was required.

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I suppose there are people that believe atoms don’t exist because they’ve never seen one.

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Yep, there are those who say the earth is flat because they have not seen it from a distance IN PERSON. Satellites are just balloons that drift so cannot be trusted.

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From space, the Earth looks exactly like a pancake. This proves nothing!

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Until you look at the South pole that looks nothing like a world spanning ice wall. Please explain why you want to appear ignorant?

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Have you actually seen the South Pole? How high is it, and could you hang a flag on it?!

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Youre missing the point. But maybe i was not clear enough.

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I think I have a tiny Black Hole in my basement, but I lack the equipment to detect it!

On second thoughts, maybe it is mice. I do have mice, because I can spot their droppings!

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1. Whether we believe in viruses or not, the evidence is very strong that the excess deaths during covid before vaccination were not caused by a virus. A toxin? Iatrogenic treatments are certainly responsible for many deaths.

2. Im an agnostic as far as viruses are concerned. The discussion is deeper than some people realize. I dont want to simply dismiss some questions raised by serious scientists whom I respect.

3. SARS cov 2 has actually never been isolated in spite of what some scientists and officials have said. We dont have, if im not mistaken, the whole genomic sequence of the virus. For a long time, virologists worked with in silico sequences provided by China.

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I think the virus model is probably still the correct one, but, with something missing in our understanding…

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Where do they get the genetic sequence from? How often has it been sequenced from scratch? If someone wanted to spoof it's existence could they 3d print the sequence, add it to a bacteria, culture it, then spray it around an area to then be detected by a pcr test to give the appearance of a pandemic?

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My thoughts, too. It seems that, if anyone can prove that viruses exist, it would be you. Can you share that proof with us on a supplementary post?

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What are those features that are said to be viruses on electron microscope photos I've been seeing for decades?

All my obervations have been consistent with viruses existing, but not necessarily being pathogenic to healthy cells and and organisms.

It seems to me this "viruses do not exist" argument provides a readymade "straw man" argument for vaccination cultists to smear vaccine skeptics.

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Thank you for your reply. We are now able to observe atoms with AFM, TEM, and STM. Can we observe viruses the same way with similar microscopes? It seems you have. Would you mind recommending one or two websites that displays these images of viruses? The statistician Pierre Chaillot, contacted several virologists and could not get any straight answers from them.

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I remember them from my biology textbooks decades ago. Here are a couple links from sites that seem to have a microcopy orientation:



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Thank you!

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Seems a promising line of inquiry to pursue, given an open-minded and unbiased mindset.

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If only an understanding of statistics and the epistemological limits you outlined were the only barriers to knowing the basis of lab leak knowledge claims to be valid.

There are many other barriers that are institutionalised.

One barrier is the ludicrous assertion from the US Intelligence Community that the research related to lab leak of SARS-CoV-2 was not part of biological warfare efforts…

The US Intel Community has made such illogical assertions in the past;

That Russia must be supplying Chemical Weapons to Laos and Vietnam…the suspect yellow spots found on alleged victims was actually shown to be Bee-shit…but the basis of mutual suspicion drove years of biological warfare research on all sides.

That Iraq had a current, instead of historical, Biological Warfare program active…even through with the simplest of epistemological tools the weapons inspectors had first understood there was a BW program…but from there the complex meeting of confirmation bias and again deep suspicion of malicious intent clouded judgement of evidence sourced…

The US IC was convinced…and they were wrong.

And now, where the Civil Military fusion of Beijing’s current leadership is obvious and pervasive, and has been for some time…where even in the ever expanding Information Domain of warfare the affinity for this domain for Biological Warfare is an unwavering trend that makes the introduction of Artificial Intelligence systems to this highly sensitive data set a dystopian nightmare…and a reminder that people are important.

The US Intel Community are a group of people and their assessment that Research programs related to SARS-CoV-2 lab leak are not Biological Warfare is simply illogical and even in the light of Dual Use Research of Concern schematic is simply seeing one side of the contributing assumptions in dangerous and morally hazardous fair weather thinking.

The global intellectual community, and the global Intelligence Community, will slowly try and address this fair weather assumption of the US Intelligence Community that is so important to the methodological settings of COVID origin research…and yet to address these sets of confirmation biases and conflicts of interest is very much more complicated than a simple case of teaching and explaining Bayesian Methods…even in the setting of as yet incomplete data sets.

COVID origin is knowable because people know things and they are still unable or unwilling to share what they know.

But slowly, step by step, we will get there.

Thank you for your ongoing work in this area of concern.

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Please look at a map of northern Brazil. In these four locations in April of 2020, São Gabriel do Cachoeira, Manaus, Santarem and Belem, the first peak of excess mortality attributed to the so-called coronavirus happened SIMULTANEOULSY. In other words, the so-called virus spread INSTANTLY across thousands of miles of river, where the slow boat is generally the only way to go. The same thing happens in January of 2021.

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I have been wondering about the Manaus outbreak and mortality since it was initially reported (trumpeted widely by MSM!) It seemed to be an outlier in a place where ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine should have been easily available. I was not aware of the other three targets. Thanks.

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Could you please elaborate on this line of thought?

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After drinking three beers? Not recommended.

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That's funny--but I'm thinking I may have replied to the wrong comment. Thanks!

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Having read RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" and noted the years of viral research in Ralph Baric's lab (noted in the article) I cannot see the US Intelligence Community's "finding" that SARS-CoV-2 had a (Wuhan) lab origin as anything but a smokescreen covering the US origin of the programme. Consider Event 201 and its predecessors as the indicator.

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Bees shit?

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“Since we can never know anything for sure, it is simply not worth searching for certainty; but it is well worth searching for truth; and we do this chiefly by searching for mistakes, so that we have to correct them.”

~ Karl Popper

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Well done. Unfortunately, the people who benefited (profited/promoted) from the entire Covid operation(CEOs, pharma companies, scientists, health care personnel, manufacturers, investors, politicians, etc.) number in the millions. Although the people who had a strong hand in creating, regulating, and managing the enterprise number far less (probably in the hundreds), they profited immensely, with no consequences. And as Upton Sinclair stated in 1932 "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

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Bill Gates understand$ and he is a high school grad

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Interesting that the Wall Street Journal had its lead article on the lab leak theory today. Now that Donald Trump is on his way back to the White House, interest in the topic seems to be reviving. Good.


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In Brasil, the model is this: EXCESS MORTALITY=COVID DEATH . Go ahead and see for yourself. The data is easily available: https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/dataset/sim

Now, try to figure out the probability of this happening in real life for the so-called novel coronavirus, with such a non-specific set of symptoms and an unreliable PCR testing platform. Our local ecology hero José Alexandre Filizola Diniz Filho has nothing to say about this. Nada.

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Neither does Raloh Baric the prime virologist in the US.

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There are three theories of the origin. The third one is that the bad virus is only a computer concoction, made up on screen solely for the purpose of releasing the antidote - which is the focus of the whole story, not the alleged virus. The early events and timelines of work on the gig of function seem to confirm this.

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Haha nothing like econometrics in the morning! Love your analysis.

I would say the timing of the Covid Recession was very convenient. In 2019, the repo market blew out (US was due a depression), so the “health crisis” really allowed a ton of Government subsides, but the worst part—is it gave the government an excuse and condemn any free market economists from being critical (and anti-vaxxers).

I agree the level of coordination is, too much for it to be a “few bad actors”. We know about the Epstein island and the blackmail ring—as well as that satanic temple on it. I am 100% of the opinion that this was a government run operation. Ephesians 6:12.

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I really appreciate your explanation from a biological perspective, but the evidence from live blood analysis and or removed synthetic clots from patients or the deceased shows a man made origin and the genetic sequence was readily available within 48 from Wuhan scientist and adopted by our public health official Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Furthermore, Karen Kingston in her Substack shows that most of COVID vaccine ingredients also were manufactured in China and sent to Pfizer here in the U.S. Whistleblowers from Pfizer whose job was to inspect batches stated that the batches seemed to glow a with a metallic appearance. Further, analysis has shown up to 55 metals are contained within these vials. 11 are magnetic in nature used in smart devices.

mRNA injections require very low temperatures before administering. Virtually none of the vials were kept at that temperature. Clearly, the vaccines are bio weapons and the original origin of SARS/COV-2 is probably a synthetic venom peptide sprayed on specific populations to create fear, Remdesivir and vents caused the deaths. Media followed the narrative, insurance companies provided the perverse incentives for hospital protocols and then injections, while Public Health became the pay master of death and destruction to our health and our economy! Keep up the good work!

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Even if covid was natural, it was humanly released and spread on purpose, or so it seems. Prove that.

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The laws to protect the guilty from vaccine caused harms were in place long ago. Almost certainly some pathogen was planned for deliberate release. Was sarscov2 released on purpose, perhaps not. It might have been released early by accident but something was going to be released or used if a natural virus was available.

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If the Chinese government didn’t delete all their files at the behest probably from the echo lab, you know for sure that tells me and leads me to the conclusion it came from the lab , guilt written all over their faces. They’re trying to destroy evidence.

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Welldone. (Its Not rare or medium rare). I am a civil engineer (reading research papers since two decades) and have grasped it in its detail. Good work and keep it up.

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Wow, Al, you've nailed it. Your PhD specialization feels like benevolent destiny when paired with your conscious choice and dedication to apply what you know as you have. Multileveled; astonishingly well done.Your case for restrictions builds in tandem.

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Consider also metaphysics, notably that energy becomes matter when observed; for example look at the work of Professor of Physics Mishio Kaku (The God Equation, 2021) co-founder of string field theory; and Dr Joe Dispenza's miraculous healing work (DrJoeDispenza.com) via breathwork and meditation fuelled by universal consciousness and the quantum field - or 'the multiverse'.

With great respect to your own beautifully courageous brilliant mind/body/soul, IMHO and experience (suicidal disintegration, rebirth, and altered realities) mathematics is a human construct incapable of explaining the inexplicable.

Ancient aboriginal wisdoms had the answers to these existential questions. Shamanic medicine heals in ways that we do not understand. Placebo and nocebo prove the power of the mind.

Energy is not understood; except that vibrations from beyond the physical realm most certainly alter realities that we perceive as physical matter.

Love, gratitude, peace to all.

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