Although I am not a scientist, I enjoy reading about science. I could never understand the refusal of the bureaucracy of public health to acknowledge natural immunity or the discouragement of even trying therapeutic drugs.

Even I, as an undergrad 50 years ago took a virology course and understood herd immunity. I couldn't believe the official propaganda.

I began following Dr. Jay and you on X.

Whenever I see a thing like cancel culture I assume it is a reactionary coverup.

It was plain to see that the NIH was fearing a revolt from their dogma from any influence the Great Barrington Declaration might have.

I am more than pleased that Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was named as the nominee for the Director of NIH.

Keep pursuing truth, Alex.

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I think you have a typo here Alex. You said, “ and we will again need scientists to maintain a curiosity and professionalism, a degree of humility and grace, that Dr. Bhattacharya lied & breathed throughout the COVID-10 pandemic”. Don’t you mean “lived and breathed”? Terrific article, I apologize if I read that wrong.

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Thank you for catching that. fixed!

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Here's another, unless there's a new award I haven't heard of yet: "Nobel Laurette Michael Levitt..."

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Thank you for the post, Alex. So refreshing. Thank God for Dr Jay Bhattacharya and for you too.

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I am not a member of the scientific community, but I have had the distinct pleasure of meeting and interacting with Jay several times and can attest to his grace and humanity. Despite being an overly curious civilian, Jay made the time to actively engage with me and not behave like a politician (shake, smile, move on) or the self-important elite academic that is so common at many institutions. He and others like yourself were voices of reason during a period that was anxiety producing for all. For that grounding, I will be always grateful.

His ability to avoid being swept up in the emotion of the pandemic and stay focused on a science centric approach to Covid, assures me he will persevere no matter what mud or roadblocks the bad actors sling during his approval process or when he assumes responsibility for the NIH. With Jay at NIH and Marty Makary at FDA, some much needed balance will return to these heavily tarnished but critical institutions.

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Thank you Alex for your thoughtful piece. RFK seems to illicit a lot of controversy but what I have learned in these last 4 years is not to believe everything spouted in MSM or government officials. The shots were not safe for me. Here in the greater Toronto area, 5 doctor’s died within 2 weeks of each other after the 4th shot. The media reported and bashed antivaxxers for claiming the deaths were attributable to the shots. Tell me how that statement could be made like it was a fait accompli without any diagnostic tests? Or how could they spew safe and effective without proper trialling or active independent data collection? Somehow the overseers like the captured FDA etc get a pass, no questions asked. I’m not as naive as I was when this all started. Too much disinformation was tabled as solid science.

Sadly, I believed the press when they smeared or debased a scientist or doctor for having alternate views to the lockdowns or shots. Even google is in on the censorship. Google Dr. Bryam Bridle and it’s a hatchet job on his stellar reputation. Duck duck go lays out his extensive accomplishments. His life has been attacked, he lost his lab privilege and office. He never had a twitter account but an imposter set an account up in his name and spewed nonsense. So many intelligent, caring people destroyed by some overreaching power. So, when it comes to RFK, I don’t believe all the negative press, I now know how that works. He’s being accused of wanting to get rid of the polio shots but my understanding is they’re new polio shots that haven’t gone through proper trialling, he wants better trialling.

I watched Dr. Bhattacharya on his substack. You obviously don’t know people over a screen but you can’t help but get a feel for who they are. Paul Offit for instance does not instil confidence in me but leaves me feeling manipulated. Dr. Bhattacharya on the other hand comes across as a really caring person who is smart and intelligent. I’ve noticed that those who go against the grain are passionate about their field and display a sincerity and integrity. The trust I have for him comes from my gut. People who oppose him cause me to wonder whether they are protecting a hidden agenda. I so hope he gets in.

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'Even google is in on the censorship.' Don't be surprised. Google long ago abandoned its vow of "Don't be evil", if it ever did honor it.

As for RFK, don't pay attention to anything anybody writes about him. Go listen to one of his two or three hour interviews with people like Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson.

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Thank you for writing this! Early in the covid madness, I became alarmed that the government, media, and academia, were suspiciously in lock-step promoting a single narrative that could not be challenged or questioned: We were all disease vectors and facing terrible outcomes if we didn’t barricade ourselves in our homes for months or years, to await the production of an experimental pharmaceutical product. I turned to Twitter/X, where I had never previously ventured, to seek out anyone who wasn’t on the government/Big Pharma payroll. There I found you, Dr. Bhattacharya, and several others you mentioned. All of you were a lifeline in the midst of the chaos. What I appreciate SO much, in addition to Dr. B's obvious expertise in this arena, is his civility in response to people who ruthlessly denigrated him and others who didn’t fall in line. He never resorted to profanity or name calling when someone disagreed with him. I was horrified by the academics who immediately launched into expletives when anyone dared to oppose them. (From the elite pedigree, I expected their command of the English language to be better than a few overused swear words.) But Dr. B was never like that, and he garnered my never-ending respect for his expertise, kindness, resilience, and grace.

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Republished on Brownstone, 2/4/25:

“According to my estimates, case growth rates were much faster than all the conventional models estimated at the time, and faster growth rates with the same start date implied more cases, a larger subclinical iceberg of infections, lower odds of successful containment, and lower severity.”


As an analytical chemist who understands deeply the challenges of false positives and as a student of philosophy that understands the hazards of pure deduction in logic (leading to so-called informal fallacies), I continue to be amazed that no one in the epidemiological community seems to concern themselves with the inherent uncertainty of “cases” when working with disease progression and public health policy. PCR? Perverse clinical diagnoses? Complete GIGO! Imagine someone comes along and claims that a certain malady is caused by vampires and that they have a test for garlic to identify that particular vampire disease in the presence of all other diseases in the world. Those who have symptoms but don’t have garlic in their system, well, they have the vampire disease. Those who have symptoms but do have garlic in their system, well, they have long vampire disease. Now let’s give the hospitals a huge financial incentive to find garlic in everyone’s system. Can you see where this goes? In logic, an informal fallacy is a syllogism in which the reasoning is valid, but the premise is false. Does anyone not question the validity of the most fundamental premise of the “Covid pandemic?” Am I the only one who raises an eyebrow when, in my large Southern California county, cumulative seasonal influenza cases went from around 12,000 in February of 2020 to around 75 in February of 2021 while “Covid cases” zoomed up to around 12,000? That’s EXACTLY what one would predict if the testing gave false positives. You can have the most perfect computer model in the world, but if you feed it garbage (because computer models are purely deductive) you’ll get garbage.

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It was that early 2020 STAT News piece by John Ioannidis that started me on the Covid skeptic track. The pushback he got about that made me surprised that his career survived.

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I wish Dr. B all the best, and I really hope that the toxic culture of DC doesn't grind him down too much.

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Respect. In a cold rightwing world, your heartwarming intro to Dr Jay should be compulsory reading for every journalist who comments on him and the NIH. And your collective analysis plus the insights about the progress of the covid pandemic should also be compulsory reading. The H5N1 flus are going to be real trouble, thank goodness we can have faith that Dr Jay is exceptionally talented (as you are). Thank you.

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Thank you,Al, for this pivotal and characteristically articulate article regarding Jay Bhattacharya. Hi appointment as head of the NIH would literally make all the difference in the world. I deeply hope it happens.

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I believe you meant "lived" rather than "lied" in the "We need Dr. Jay" paragraph. That typo was especially unfortunate, given your celebratory message.

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Thank you - I've fixed the typo.

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Interesting to hear more about Jay Bhattacharya. I'm concerned by his lack of experience, and by his focus on the errors made during the pandemic. That's water under the bridge now. We need to look upstream to what is coming rather than worry about what is downstream now.

But I do like Jay Bhattacharya's attitude, as you have illustrated it. And to put the pandemic to rest so we can move on, I am hoping he will do something like a new Asilomar conference on the dangers of gain-of-function research. Get both sides in a room talking rather than simply firing off broadsides from afar.

What do you think about Bobby Kennedy's nomination? I find that one hard to accept. Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff are for it because they think Bobby Kennedy will take on the establishment. I think that view is naive and dangerous.

Bobby Kennedy is a trial lawyer, and an expert at distorting science and truth for his own selfish ends. His voice should be heard, certainly, but he should have no role in our government, particularly heading the nation's premier science organization. He's a self-centered firebrand, with none of the grace of Dr. Jay.

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I think there's an opportunity in everything. Kennedy's fears about vaccine research stem from his long history as an environmental lawyer fighting against industry lying about pollution and then seeing government officials aid industry in covering up lies about the extent of pollution or the consequences of pollutants.

Pharmaceutical industry has, unfortunately, committed some of the same crimes (not everyone, not every time, but enough to cause distrust). From opioids to mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 mandated for kids, there have been a few examples of industry covering up the adverse effects of their drugs and sometimes government allies being too credulous or supportive of industry's preferred messaging for novel drugs.

Having someone like Kennedy steer the ship briefly could very well bring about positive change that reassures skeptics & cynics (like Kennedy and many others) that the government adequately manages conflicts of interests and ultimately serves the people, not large & powerful industry players.

It's also good to examine adverse effects of vaccines. We can acknowledge that many vaccines are properly prescribed (e.g. polio, MMR, etc.) while also acknowledging that novel technologies like mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 for kids are not as tried, tested, and true to our goals of marginal, long-term, all-cause harm-reduction in medicine. By embracing the pro's and con's, and having someone distrustful of vaccines establish systems to improve trust in vaccines, we could end up with systems for e.g. grading the level to which vaccines are established vs. experimental, and we can be more open about our adverse effects reporting systems & analyses.

It's even possible Kennedy could be convinced to find the underlying cause of autism. While the rise of autism diagnoses could be changing diagnostic criteria, it could also be attributed to environmental factors or pollutants (or possibly drugs, even if not the typical childhood vaccines but, say, drugs taken by the mother during embryonic development). Finding the true cause of autism could end all questions about whether/not something causes autism.

It's not easy to steer big ships like HHS, and when all is said & done more is said than done. Nonetheless, I'm not as afraid about RFK and his nominees as many seem to be. On the contrary, I think it'll be an interesting experiment and I trust our political & social guardrails to prevent errors from snowballing into larger harms. Knowing Jay, I'm especially reassured that we could end up far better off with reformers in charge given the benefit of the doubt. I trust they care about people and want to do good during their time at the helm.

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Bobby Kennedy said this during an interview in June 2023:

"My concerns about 5G is that the RF radiation from 5G is dangerous. It penetrates and disrupts the blood-brain barrier. It also is associated with glioblastomas and other cancers. And it causes a lot of other dramatic health effects. There are literally thousands and thousands of studies on that. I've litigated on that issue and I've won at the federal court of appeals. So, you know, you can say it's a conspiracy theory. But the federal court of appeals, you know, I also won a case on Monsanto and glyphosates that called non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, that was called a conspiracy theory.

"What I've said about 5-G is it is dangerous. It is under-regulated. Other countries regulate it much better than us. And we need to protect our children. We should not be having these antennas on elementary schools. We should be warning people, probably do not put that cell phone next to your head. You've got, you where we're seeing this epidemic now of glioblastomas. And almost all of them are connected to the ear that you favor the cell phone with.

"You know, there is study after study that shows that -- and I'm in litigation on that issue right now. And you know, if we get a fair trial, we're going to win that litigation as well."

My father spent his 40-year career in bioelectromagnetics investigating the effects of radio-frequency radiation on the human body and the science is clear. Many other scientists and engineers did too. They found that there is no causal link between that non-ionizing radiation and human health. Bobby Kennedy says there are thousands of studies showing a link between radio frequency radiation and disease, but there are no such studies. Not even one.

Bobby Kennedy knows that, but he lies about it anyway., in a very persuasive, almost pathological way. And it's not just 5G cellphone radio waves that he lies about. He has falsely claimed the following as well:

— vaccines cause autism and other diseases

— genetically modified foods are harmful

— Wifi radiation breaks down the blood-brain barrier and causes cancer and other diseases

— Roundup causes cancer

— ultra-processed foods cause obesity and chronic diseases

— HIV is not the cause of AIDS

— high-fructose corn syrup is more harmful than table sugar

— etc., etc.

Bobby Kennedy has no training or experience in science, medicine or public health. He's never held an executive office in any corporation or in government. As far as I can tell, the only real job he has ever held was as an assistant district attorney in Manhattan over 40 years ago, and he quit that job when he didn't pass the bar. (And he was arrested shortly after that for being high on heroin on an airplane, an addiction he battled for 14 years.) The rest of his long career consisted mainly of playing off the Kennedy name in lawsuits and in writing books and speaking.

Bobby Kennedy does seem like a likeable guy, and he has lots of friends among the elite. He's also been a womanizer his whole life, with great success. He has a magnetic personality and a silver tongue. Those people skills make him a good trial lawyer and a good campaigner.

But in my opinion, they make him a bad choice for a position like the secretary of health. I'm not a fan of Tony Fauci, but at least he and Frances Collins were top-notch scientists and top-notch executives. Very knowledgeable and very experienced. Though they made some blunders, overall they did a good job.

I don't think Bobby Kennedy would come even close to them. Bobby Kennedy is like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Naomi Wolf, Vivak Ramaswamy, Steve Kirsch, and others like them. Interesting to listen to, with some fresh ideas that are welcome in a stale political environment, but not a person qualified to be in government, or particularly, to lead an evidence-based government agency.

Do I think Bobby Kennedy would be a disaster as health secretary? Not really. People in that position like Xavier Becerra have set a very low bar that is easy to clear. I just think he would be ineffective and embarrassing. He would do no good in an important job where we need someone doing a whole lot of good.

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I'm not saying Kennedy is right about everything, but I think you're overstating that list of what you say "that he lies about".

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Do you think he hasn't said all those things in the list, or that any of those things that he has said is not a lie?

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The list might be misrepresenting what he has said about some of those things, but mostly I disagree that all of them are "lies". Those statements as presented also preclude any room for scientific controversy or gray area.

For example, having read in detail about metabolic chemistry for 15 years, and despite the use of the currently faddish term "ultra processed foods", I'm convinced the modern diet can absolutely be a cause of poor health.

On the subject of vaccines, leaving aside the trigger word "autism", vaccine safety has not been studied or even followed up to the extent it should; there definitely needs be investigation into whether administering multiple vaccines at the same time into infants, with their developing immune systems, might have some detrimental long-term effects.

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I compiled that list carefully. It's accurate. Bobby Kennedy said those things, and though he claims science supports him, he knows it doesn't. He says we need to have evidence-based science and medicine, but he scorns evidence himself.

Bobby Kennedy makes a good deal of money from his travelling circus of provocation and confrontation, and achieves almost nothing of any value. That's because he flouts science, when he should follow it. He's a trial lawyer, whose job is to misrepresent the evidence rather than to present it.

You talk about nutrition and your being convinced that the modern diet causes poor health. What do you think the government should do about It? What scientific evidence do you have to support any action?

We learned during the pandemic how damaging it is for the government to act on the basis of expert opinion unsupported by science. We had lockdowns, school closures, mask and vaccine mandates, and other measures that did harm rather than good.

Yet Bobby Kennedy is urging that the government ban the use of food stamps to buy sodas and processed foods. He wants to force us to eat a better diet. All based on belief rather than data.

You say that we should not focus on the scary word autism but should do more research on the safety of vaccines to make sure they are safe. We could always do more research, but that comes at a cost. What would you do differently?

Those who propose more research have no evidence to back up the claim that vaccines may not be safe. Yet vaccines have been given in billions of doses. If vaccines are causing harm, we should see evidence of it.

Bobby Kennedy is 70 years old, with a long career behind him devoid of even a single signature achievement. To me it's laughable that he was nominated for this important post. He may not literally wear a tinfoil hat, but he's just as deluded as those who do.

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